
admin on November 1st, 2009

Discover in the issue n° 35 of NGDU, the part Two of the article about Koonunga Junction (scenery, …).

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admin on July 16th, 2009

Discover in the issue n° 34 of NGDU, the part One of the article about Koonunga Junction (project genesis, trackplan, baseboard building, …). To be continued…

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admin on June 28th, 2009

Discover on Carl Arendt’s site, the first Koonunga Junction layout exhibition in Froissy-Dompierre (Somme, France)

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admin on May 23rd, 2009

Inheritance of the past, the Vivarais railway is a tourist railway in the East South of France. But some financial trouble have stopped this business. سر لعبة الروليت I hope a solution will be found soon. Héritage d’un passé révolu, le chemin de fer du Vivarais a permis de faire revivre durant plusieurs décennies une […]

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admin on May 8th, 2009

If you have a limited space to build your dreamt layout, shelf layout can be the solution. Iain Rice, the famous England railway modeler, has published a new book about it. Si vous n’avez pas assez de place pour construire le réseau de vos rêves, un réseau le long du mur (littéralement réseau étagère) peut-être la solution. Iain Rice, un […]

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admin on April 1st, 2009

I’ve conceived an electronic system allowing to supply on the engines, the turnouts, but also allowing to integrate a 4th dimension, the sound.

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